8 Distinctive Appearance Boston Terrier

Tuxedo Coat

Boston Terriers are known for their black and white tuxedo-like coat, giving them a stylish and unique look.

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Compact Build

Boston Terriers have a compact and muscular build, making them agile and energetic dogs.

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 Large Eyes

Boston Terriers have large, expressive eyes that add to their charming and alert expression.

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Short Snout

Their short snout is a distinctive feature, similar to other brachycephalic breeds like French Bulldogs.

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Pointed Ears

Boston Terriers have pointed ears that stand erect, contributing to their alert and intelligent appearance.

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Short Tail

Their short, straight tail is another characteristic feature, adding to their neat and tidy appearance.

Image : unsplash

Square Jaw

Boston Terriers have a distinctive square jaw that gives them a strong and determined look.

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