8 Unusual Bark Features of Australian Shepherds

Varied Pitch

Australian Shepherds have a bark with varied pitch, changing tones to communicate different emotions.

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High Frequency

Their barks are often high-frequency, making them easily noticeable and effective for alerting.

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Herding Instinct

Barking is part of their herding instinct, helping to control livestock and communicate with their handlers.

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Distinctive Howl

They can mix barking with howling, creating a distinctive sound that's unique to the breed.

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 Rapid Barking

Australian Shepherds often bark rapidly in short bursts, especially when excited or alerting.

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Communication Bark

They use barks to communicate with humans, expressing needs, desires, and alerts.

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Volume Control

They can control the volume of their barks, adjusting loudness based on the situation.

Image : unsplash

Emotional Expression

Their barks are expressive, conveying a wide range of emotions from joy to concern.

Image : unsplash

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