8 Unusual Trending Habits of Aussie Shepherd

Aussie Shepherd Habits

Discover the unique and trending habits of Australian Shepherds. Let's explore what makes these energetic dogs special!

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Herding Instinct

Australian Shepherds have a strong herding instinct. They often try to herd other animals, kids, and even adults.

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High Energy Levels

These dogs are full of energy. They need lots of physical and mental exercise to stay happy and healthy.

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Problem Solvers

Aussie Shepherds are highly intelligent and love solving problems. Puzzle toys are their favorite!

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Velcro Dogs

Known as "Velcro dogs," they love to stick close to their owners, following them everywhere.

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Eye Color Variations

They can have striking eye colors, including blue, brown, and even one of each, making them very unique.

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Vocal Communicators

Australian Shepherds are very vocal. They bark, whine, and use other sounds to communicate their needs.

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Sensitive Nature

These dogs are very sensitive to their owner's emotions and can often sense how you're feeling.

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