Adorable Alpine Dachsbracke Coat Colors

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The classic red coat is striking and gives the Alpine Dachsbracke a regal appearance.

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Black & Tan

Black and tan is a popular combination, adding depth and contrast to their coat.

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 A rich brown coat exudes warmth and complements the Dachsbracke's sturdy build.

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Red & Black

Red and black coats create a vibrant mix, highlighting the breed's energetic personality.

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 The fawn color is subtle and elegant, perfect for those who appreciate understated beauty.

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Brindle patterns are unique and eye-catching, making each Dachsbracke truly one of a kind.

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Sable coats have a beautiful gradient effect, adding dimension to the Alpine Dachsbracke's look.

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The grizzle coat is a mix of dark and light hairs, giving a salt-and-pepper appearance.

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