Homemade Chicken Pot Pie Casserole Recipe

Simple Ingredients

Gather your ingredients: chicken, veggies, creamy sauce, and flaky pastry for a satisfying meal.

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Cook chicken, mix with veggies and sauce, then layer in a baking dish topped with pastry

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Bake to Perfection

Pop your casserole into the oven until golden brown and bubbly, filling your home with mouthwatering aromas

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Serve and Enjoy

Slice into the warm, comforting layers of chicken, veggies, and flaky pastry. Perfect for any occasion!

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Family Favorite

Share the joy of homemade comfort food with loved ones. This chicken pot pie casserole is sure to become a family favorite.

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Versatile Meal

Customize your pot pie with your favorite veggies and seasoning. Make it your own for a truly satisfying meal.

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Make-Ahead Option

Prepare your casserole ahead of time and bake when ready for a convenient and delicious dinner solution

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Leftover Delight

Enjoy the leftovers for lunch the next day. This casserole reheats beautifully, maintaining its comforting flavors.

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