How To Cook Lattice Pie Crust At Home


Gather flour, butter, sugar, salt, ice water, and your favorite pie filling. Let's get started!

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Prepare the Dough

Mix flour, sugar, and salt. Cut in butter until crumbly. Add ice water, knead into a dough ball, and chill.

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Roll Out the Dough

Divide the dough, roll into circles, and layer them for flakiness. Keep it chilled for easy handling.

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Create the lattice

Slice dough strips, layer them over the pie filling, and weave them into a beautiful lattice pattern.

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Seal and Trim

Crimp the edges to seal the lattice strips to the pie crust. Trim any excess dough for a neat finish.

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Egg Wash and Bake

Brush with egg wash for a golden finish. Bake until the lattice is crispy and the filling is bubbling.

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Serve and Enjoy!

Let the pie cool slightly, slice, and serve with a scoop of ice cream. Delight your taste buds with each bite!

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Tips and Tricks

Use cold ingredients for flaky crusts. Experiment with different fillings for variety. Practice makes perfect!

Image : instagram

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