The Top 10 Most Fatal Giant Dog Breeds in the United States

 Gather Ingredients

 You will need pie dough, a rolling pin, and a knife or pastry wheel for cutting strips.

Image : unsplash

 Roll Out Dough

Roll out your pie dough to a 12-inch circle on a floured surface.

Image : unsplash

 Cut Strips

 Use a knife or pastry wheel to cut the dough into 1/2-inch wide strips.

Image : unsplash

Place Strips

 Lay half of the strips horizontally across the pie, spaced evenly.

Image : unsplash

 Weave Verticals

 Weave remaining strips vertically, lifting alternate horizontal strips.

Image : unsplash

Trim Edges

Trim excess dough from the edges, leaving a 1-inch overhang.

Image : unsplash

Crimp Edges

Fold the overhang under and crimp edges to seal the pie.

Image : unsplash

Brush with Egg Wash

Brush the lattice with an egg wash for a golden finish.

Image : unsplash

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