How To Prepare Walnut Crusted Salmon


Gather fresh salmon fillets, walnuts, breadcrumbs, olive oil, salt, pepper, and your favorite herbs.

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Preparing the Walnut Crust

Crush walnuts and mix with breadcrumbs, adding a pinch of salt and pepper for seasoning.

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Preparing the Salmon

Coat salmon fillets with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, and herbs.

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Applying the Walnut Crust

Press the walnut mixture onto the salmon fillets, ensuring an even coating.

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Cooking Instructions

Bake salmon in a preheated oven until the crust is golden brown and the salmon is cooked through.

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Serving Suggestions

Serve your walnut crusted salmon with roasted vegetables or a fresh salad for a complete meal.

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Nutritional Benefits

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, while walnuts provide heart-healthy fats and antioxidants.

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