Rarest to Most Common Colors of Pembroke Welsh Corgis

Blue Merle

Blue merle Corgis flaunt a mesmerizing coat pattern with patches of gray, black, and white. Simply breathtaking

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Bright Red

Vivid and striking, bright red coats make Corgis stand out in any crowd. It's a classic favorite among enthusiasts.

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Sable Corgis boast a stunning blend of colors, with shades ranging from rich mahogany to warm caramel. Truly unique

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With their iconic markings of black, tan, and white, tricolor Corgis exude elegance and charm. A timeless favorite.

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Soft and gentle, fawn Corgis showcase a beautiful light tan coat that's both elegant and endearing. A true classic.

Image : unsplash


Brindle Corgis exhibit a captivating striped pattern on their coat, creating a unique and eye-catching appearance

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Black-headed Tri

Black-headed tricolor Corgis feature striking black markings on their heads, adding a touch of boldness to their look

Image : unsplash

Black & White

Traditional yet charming, Black & White Corgis feature a predominantly black coat with white markings.

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