The Top 8 Puppy Calls Used by Golden Retriever


"Come" is crucial for recall. Use a happy tone and reward your pup with treats when they respond.

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Teach "sit" to promote calm behavior. Hold a treat above their nose and move it back, making them sit.

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"Stay" helps in managing your puppy in various situations. Start with short durations, gradually increasing the time

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"Down" is useful for relaxation. Lower a treat from their nose to the floor, guiding them to lie down.

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Leave It

"Leave it" prevents your pup from grabbing harmful items. Hold a treat in your closed hand and say "leave it."

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"Heel" teaches your dog to walk beside you. Use treats to guide them into position and reward them frequently.

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Drop It

"Drop it" is vital for play and safety. Offer a treat in exchange for the object they have in their mouth.

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"Wait" is important for impulse control. Use it before doors and during mealtime. Reward patience!

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