The Top 8 Puppy Calls Used by Springer Spaniels

Call 1: Come

"Come" is essential for recall training. Use a cheerful tone and reward your Springer Spaniel when they respond.

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Call 2: Sit

"Sit" helps with obedience. Firmly say "sit" and gently push your puppy's hindquarters down, rewarding them for compliance.

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Call 3: Stay

"Stay" ensures your puppy remains in place. Use a hand signal, say "stay", and reward them for holding the position.

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Call 4: Down

"Down" gets your Springer Spaniel to lie down. Use a treat to guide them into position and reward them for success.

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Call 5: Heel

"Heel" is for walking nicely. Keep your puppy at your side and reward them for walking without pulling.

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Call 6: Leave It

"Leave it" prevents your puppy from grabbing things they shouldn't. Use a firm voice and reward them for obeying.

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Call 7: Drop It

"Drop it" helps get items out of your puppy's mouth. Offer a trade with a treat and praise them for dropping the object.

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Call 8: Watch Me

"Watch me" gains your puppy's attention. Hold a treat near your face and reward them for making eye contact.

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