Top 8 Non Shedding Dog Breeds For A Hairless Home


Known for their intelligence and hypoallergenic coat, Poodles come in various sizes and make great family pets.

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Bichon Frise

These cheerful dogs have a curly coat that doesn't shed much, perfect for allergy sufferers or those who prefer a tidy home.

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Shih Tzu

 With their luxurious long hair, Shih Tzus may not shed much, but they do require regular grooming to keep their coat healthy.

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Maltese dogs have silky, white hair that doesn't shed much, making them an excellent choice for people with allergies.

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 Portuguese Water Dog

These active and intelligent dogs have a curly, waterproof coat that sheds minimally, making them ideal for water-loving families.

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 Schnauzers come in three sizes and have a wiry coat that sheds very little, making them a popular choice for allergy sufferers.

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Yorkshire Terrier

Despite their long, silky hair, Yorkies shed minimally and are a great option for people looking for a small, non shedding dog.

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Havanese dogs have a soft, silky coat that doesn't shed much, making them perfect for cuddling without worrying about pet hair.

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